Marine air bottle is one of the important parts of the ship, and the use should be cautious, the requirements are relatively high, the use of Marine air bottle should pay attention to the following aspects.
1. During the use of self-contained Marine air bottle, please pay attention to the pressure gauge. When the gas cylinder pressure is lower than 55±5 bar, the warning siren starts to sound, and personnel should evacuate the dangerous area as soon as possible when the warning starts.
2. Wear a mask when using, and ensure that the tightness is good, if bearded people do not use the self-contained Marine air bottle. And if the facial shape or have deep scars can not be used, can not ensure good air tightness, and wear to avoid hair stuck between the mask and the face, affecting the sealing.
3. If there is any problem with the performance of the mask or the respiratory maintenance device connected with it during use, leave the work area immediately. Do not remove the mask when leaving the area where you are working.
4. There are also many precautions when taking off the mask. Use your thumb to pull the carabiner forward to relax the band. Then insert the thumb between the mask and the jaw and gradually remove it from the jaw. When removing the mask, be very careful to prevent the inhalation of harmful dust and other harmful substances attached to the surface of the mask.
5. Press the extra air supply button on the supply valve in case of emergency. Air flow will increase.
We all know the importance of Marine air bottle to the operation of the ship, so it must be used correctly and safely, pay attention to these matters, to avoid failure and serious consequences.
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